
All Marinas & Moorings for sale in the Netherlands

2020 Floating Dock   €250,000
The Floating dock is a unique concept originated from the need to store and haul out vessels in remote areas. She can also be used in areas where a fixed Jetty or dockside moorin is not possible or in waters with strong currents. The Floating dock can be towed to any location and then form a secure mooring for any yacht that fits her size. Her 4 Spud poles anchor her secure to the bottom and ensure she will not move. The Floating dock can also be equiped with a light weight roof construction to form an indoor water garage for your yacht. The Floating dock has a lifting capacety of 60 tons. ... read more

Length: 23.01m
Location: Contact De Valk Hindeloopen Netherlands
Price: €250,000 Tax Not Paid
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ID: 719955  (Trade)

2020 Dock   €250,000
The Floating dock is a unique concept originated from the need to store and haul out vessels in remote areas. She can also be used in areas where a fixed Jetty or dockside moorin is not possible or in waters with strong currents. The Floating dock can be towed to any location and then form a secure mooring for any yacht that fits her size. Her 4 Spud poles anchor her secure to the bottom and ensure she will not move. The Floating dock can also be equiped with a light weight roof construction to form an indoor water garage for your yacht. The Floating dock has a lifting capacety of 60 tons.... read more

Length: 23.01m
Location: Contact De Valk Amsterdam Netherlands
Price: €250,000 Tax Not Paid
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ID: 637744  (Trade)

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